Washington County Board of Commissioners declared January 20, 2021 is Washington County Community Development Day in Washington County. Recognizing the Community Development Agencies 40th Anniversary, the County Board passed a resolution that highlighted the impacts the CDA has had on the residents, businesses, and communities in the County.

January 20, 1981 Washington County Board of Commissioners created the Washington County Community Development Agency, formally known as the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Our purpose is to address the development of substandard or blighted areas, housing to veterans and their families, and the shortage of decent housing available to low- and moderate-income households. We have helped persons with disabilities, seniors, and veterans obtain and sustain housing affordable at their incomes through rental assistance and rent restricted apartments throughout Washington County. We have helped Washington County expand housing choices for people at all income levels and life stages through housing financing programs, federal housing tax credits allocation, conduit bond issuances and technical assistance. We have empowered our community residents and program participates to become self-sufficient and build generational wealth.

Over the last forty years, we have helped communities eliminate blight and underutilized properties through development programs, community development financing tools and technical assistance. We have employed public servants who have steadfastly and innovatively pursued our mission of promoting community and economic development, and providing and maintaining affordable, decent, and safe housing opportunities in Washington County.

Please check back here monthly to learn more about the Agency’s history as well as the work we have ahead of us to help communities prosper.


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